3/07/24 - Question (Question for me, Cync!) - Red
"Do you have any thoughts on where a "key" might fit other than the most obvious lock??"
A key, huh? Like that one the dragon lady was wearing? Hm...
Well, at least for you all, you have some pretty limited options for where you can input things. If you already put it in the most obvious place, well, there's always that other place you put stuff! But I'm sure you need to be a bit more specific... not just any old key can unlock every lock, you know. So maybe if you figure the name of the special key and put that in, that could work? I feel like you may already know it without realizing...
6/02/23 - Question (Question for me, Cync!) - realchickenmanny
"Do you have a favorite rock?"
Hm. Do you mean a physical one, or like, type of rock? I don't think I've ever even seen an actual rock on the ship, but my favorite overall would have to be Elbaite! It has a rich and beautiful color, and I've always fancied how crystals always have such an interesting shape language- some crystals even remind me of... well, me! :>
5/29/23 - Question (Question for me, Cync!) - aninvwD
"Hey Cync, what's your favourite ice cream flavour? If you don't like ice cream, what's your favourite dessert?"
I'm just sort of a digital projection of a shape so, I can't really eat anything, but for ice cream I can only imagine Cotton Candy would be the best flavor! I mean, cotton candy looks like clouds, and compressing that flavor into ice cream? That must taste super good! :>
5/28/23 - Question (Question for me, Cync!) - kirb
"Whaddya think of the others on the Quinn, whether it be your fellow hosts or the contestants?"
Oh! I find all the people on the Quinn quite fascinating!
Elise is always asking me to get her things, which I don't mind of course, but you learn a lot about a person from what they summon so, it's almost like she's actually talking to me!
Marinn's a little less open, which is unfortunate, because I find his interest in puppets quite fun. I think I may remind him of some elements of the game he was in though, so... I can understand his reluctance to speak with me.
Dorothy seemed fascinated by me! I know she comes from a time without much technology, so she almost treats me like I'm some sort of magical helper! Her room is also one of the coolest I helped make- most others just copied something, but Dorothy was just brimming with ideas- elements from both her home and Oz!
Hm... Cali & Deile are neat too, but they usually bother each other more so than they bother me. Cali does bring me up from time to time just to chat, and I give her the best advice I can! Unfortunately my expertise is a little limited...
And Chance hardly ever summons stuff, or talks to me, or... anything. He just made his room, sometimes summons some invitations or games, but that's it. It's a shame, he seems so interesting, but I guess a pentagon is too close to a square, so he doesn't invite me to his parties... Only joking! I don't mind not being invited.
The Doctor was the one who created me, so- she's almost like my mom? Except for the fact that I feel no familial connection to her. But regardless, that practically means I have to like her! It helps that she's the one who summons me and speaks to me the most... There's a lot of stuff she tells me. A lot of stuff. But that's what I was made for! Well, one of a few features, at least.
Abacaxi... is just sort of there. He- actively ignores most convos I try to start? And only really uses Cyncpads for the multi-world streaming capabilities. But that's just how he is, I guess! I’ve tried not to bother him since. Maybe he’s just too used to other, inferior digital helpers…
Only kidding! I hold no ill will towards my fellow assistants. :>
6/03/23 - Finding (Secret Page, Hidden Message in a video, etc.) - kirb
logs 5 and 6 respectively. the latter is the band that made semi charmed life and ties into the ton of eye/truesight/blindness symbolism. the former is that band's name after "visiting the seventh gate" (read: seven steps forward in caesar cipher)
Oh, I'm glad you all managed to catch this one! I honestly thought I hid it a bit too well... even left a clue in a video to help, but even that was probably too obscure... but it seems like you got there anyway! Congrats! Just, remember that there are plenty of places for me to hide little clues, so keep your eyes peeled if you run into any walls... :>
5/28/23 - Theory (Concept or explaination for potential findings/occurances) - kirb
Based on the following:
- Chance being confined to tech (tapes/TVs and such) just like how Vinium explains demons are logistically
- Chance's unexplained ability to just. Induce conflict. Heartbreaks, arguments, broken friendships just by being there, like an apple of discord. It lines up perfectly with a certain deadly sin, and based on Vinium being a demon of Sloth, this... also tracks.
- Chance's unusual extra limitations compared to Vinium, but also inexplicable ability to be in... all his tape recordings being played, simultaneously? And only being conscious while played in some form? That's. That's not normal.
- Allwerk Entertainment's very clearly nefarious status and Chance claiming they 'contacted' him for the product deals
Putting all of these together:
Chance is a demon of Envy. Not only that, but he is an artificial demon of envy, created by Allwerk Entertainment for... who knows what purpose, honestly. Marketable sin can go a lot of different ways.
5/20/23 - Finding (Secret Page, Hidden Message in a video, etc.) - Alan900900900
Secret pages found by the Discord:
[#] - /logs/secret (Linked in the About page, hints at the existence of other secrets)
[00] - /logs/visitors (Link is the glitched Under Construction sign, at the bottom of the actual Visitors page)
[01] - /logs/allwerk (As mentioned before by someone else, linked in Chance's interview)
[02] - /logs/bug-out (Linked at the end of [I v II] - Results)
[03] - /logs/lizzy-lu (Linked in the second part of [IV v V])
[04] - /logs/pitea-party (Link in [I v III] - Results leads to /pity-party, which redirects to /tea-party, which then loops back around to /pity-party. The Soundcloud URL for the second match track is burning-pitea-party)
That's all for now, will do my best to keep you updated on the latest findings o7
5/01/23 - Finding (Secret Page, Hidden Message in a video, etc.) - Jacket of Diamonds
Secret page linked at the end of the Match 1 Results log, https://penta-clvsh.neocities.org/logs/bug-out
4/15/23 - Finding (Secret Page, Hidden Message in a video, etc.) - realchickenmanny
secret log 0 found at the bottom of the visitors page when you click on the under construction sign that is different from the others
4/07/23 - Question (Question for me, Cync!) - Jacket of Diamonds
"So, hypothetically, if there were secrets to be found...could there be multiple words in the secret URL? And if so, would they be separated by spaces, dashes, or not at all?"
Hypothetically speaking, I usually use dashes to indicate spaces in words. You can see this in the urls for the logs- it's always [name]-interview.html, and such. Thank you for your inquiry! :>
4/07/23 - Finding (Secret Page, Hidden Message in a video, etc.) - realchickenmanny
in the Chance vs Computer bug there is a secret morse code message next to the computer bug logo saying "TOO MUCH LIGHT WILL ALWAYS BLIND"
3/31/23 - Finding (Secret Page, Hidden Message in a video, etc.) - ???
Secret page: logs/allwerk.html (Linked to in Chance's interview)