Title: The Wicked Witch Occupation: General of the Winkie Army, Monarch of the West From which subject's world: DOROTHY GALE Source given: [Witch House] |
Bio: The Wicked Witch is a powerful foe within Oz. One of the 4 Cardinal Witches, she rules over her side and is constantly at war with many of the other directions. When it seemed like the east witch had fallen, she thought that would be the perfect time to stage a coup and to get more troops, but she found something far more interesting when investigating. Relationship with subject: Within the hour of Dorothy touching down, the Witch had appeared. Her first instinct was to simply kill the girl and her pet, but after she portrayed great ability to defend herself, her threats of deaths became that of offers to teach. Her methods of convincing Dorothy to listen and join her are no less frightening however. Subjects reaction: | |